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Lord, teach me to pray

2nd to 4th May

Men With the Master 2025

MwM 2025



I've never found prayer easy or necessary for that matter. More of a "spare wheel than a steering wheel", a life line of last resort. Maybe due to a self sufficient, can do, cover all bases philosophy and a salvation theology that was more works based than relationship driven.

Our loving Father has a way of bringing us nearer and dearer to Him as we face life's challenges in faith and with the unwavering knowledge that He loves us as dear children. Our Lord Jesus was a man of prayer. We are his disciples. He calls us to follow him, he knows our need and wants us to experience the same joy, peace and strength he received from his father.

We have no choice! We need to pray if we are to be his disciples.

Prayer is simple, yet profound. Prayer definitely changes us. Does it also change God?

We will explore Jesus' example and teachings on prayer to the end that we might love prayer and experience its power to transform.

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